First of all, focus on the present. This is the best advice I could give you. A lot of guys fail with finding their sexmatch online because they keep focusing on their past failures. They keep dwelling on the times where chick rejected them. Well, those chicks are long gone. Either they’ve gotten fat, got married, got hooked on drugs, got pimped and turned into prostitutes. Whatever the fuck happened to them, they’re in the past.
Leave them be. They are gone. The worst thing that you can do is to let these hurtful words and nasty actions of the past poison your present. You have to remember that your present does not float around in a vacuum. It’s not some sort of point in time that has no meaning. Your present is actually laying your foundation down to your future. If you allow the past to keep poisoning your present, then you won’t have much of a future.
Do you see where I’m coming from? I know that this sounds metaphysical. I know that it sounds almost philosophical and spiritual, but it is extremely practical. There are too many guys that are good-looking, work out at the gym, have a lot of many. Have great jobs, and can’t get pussy for the life of them. Seriously, why? They let the past fuck up their present. Let it go.
Just because you’re a complete and total failure in the past, doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to continue living your life in the here and now. Choose to live a different life in the here and now. Be the master of your own life. Do you see where I’m coming from here? Good.
Second, you have to take the bull by the horns. You can’t just expect a hot looking woman to message you out of nowhere. Unless of course you’re using LOL. You can’t expect your friends to do your legwork for you when it comes to meeting the opposite sex. You have to get up there. You have to get up to the plate and swing your bat. Sure, some guys have to keep swinging their bats thousands of times until they get hit. But if that’s what it takes, then do it.
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